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Alexandra Konings

Alexandra Konings

Associate Professor of Earth System Science and, by courtesy, of Geophysics
Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at the Woods Institute for the Environment

CV (pdf)

Dapeng Feng 

Interests: Integrating AI, physical models, and large data for hydrology and earth systems modeling; Terrestrial water cycle and its interactions with plant and climate systems

Headshot for Marvin Browne

Marvin Browne

Interests: drought tolerance and resilience, plant hydraulics, remote sensing of plant water status

Matthew Worden

Matthew Worden

PhD Student
Interests: vegetation response to drought, carbon cycle modeling, model-data fusion, remote sensing, tropical carbon and water cycle


Trent Robinett

Trent Robinett

PhD Student
Interests: stomatal conductance models, plant hydraulics, land surface models, global ecology

Erica McCormick

Erica McCormick 

PhD Student
Interests: remote sensing, vegetation use of rock moisture, vegetation response to climate change, global ecology


Emil Biju

M.S. student, electrical engineering
Interests: machine learning

Lillian Sanders

Lillian Sanders

Undergraduate student
Interests: evapotranspiration, triple collocation

Andy Huynh

Undergraduate student
Interests: machine learning

Joshua Bruns

Joshua Bruns

Undergraduate student (Williams)
Interests: plant hydraulics, modelling


Aakash Ahamed

Aakash Ahamed

Geophysics second PhD project student, now CEO at Working Trees


Image of Sabrina Ahmed

Sabrina Ahmed

Undergraduate research assistant, summer 2023

Guadalupe Rodriguez

Guadalupe Alvarez Rodriguez

SURGE Scholar 2018, Now PhD Student at Australian National University


Michael Burnett

Michael Burnett

Undergrad & MS Student 2018-2019, now PhD student at University of California, Santa Barbara


Nathan Dadap

Nathan Dadap 

PhD Student, 2016-2022, now Senior Legislative Assistant, US Congress

Uma Dayal

Uma Dayal

Undergraduate research assistant 2020-2021

Caroline Alexa Famiglietti

Caroline Famiglietti 

PhD Student 2017-2023, now Imagery Product Manager at Hydrosat

Olivia Flournoy-Pannell

Olivia Flournoy

Undergrad and M.S. Student, 2019-2022, now associate product manager at Indeed


Jacqueline Fortin Flefil

Jacqueline Fortin Flefil

M.S. Student 2018, now Engineer at Xylem Vue


Natan Holtzman

Natan Holtzman

PhD Student, 2017-2023. Now data scientist at Aerospace Corporation


Chris Jansen

Chris Jansen

M.S. Student 2017, now Engineer at Tetra Tech


Yanlan Liu

Yanlan Liu

Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2020, now Assistant Prof at Ohio State


Mostafa Momen

Mostafa Momen

Postdoctoral Fellow 2017-2018, now Assistant Prof at Univ of Houston


Shannon Mueller

Shannon Mueller

Stanford Research Experience for Teachers Fellow 2021, biology teacher at Berkeley High

Gregory Quetin

Gregory Quetin

Postdoctoral Fellow 2018-2020, now Assistant Project Scientist at UCSB


Krishna Rao

Krishna Rao

PhD Student, 2018-2022, now Data Scientist at Watershed


Mckenzie Swindle

SURGE Scholar summer 2022

Paula Rueda Villamil

Paula Rueda Villamil

UC Berkeley Undergrad, SURGE Scholar 2021, Research Assistant 2021-2023, now Environmental Scientist at Larry Walker Associates

Yesenia J Ulloa

Yesenia Ulloa

Undergraduate Research Assistant, 2018-2019


Xinle Yao

Grace (Xinle) Yao

MS student 2021, now engineer at Geosyntec


Iris Xia

Iris Xia

Undergraduate research assistant, 2021


Jevan Yu

Undergraduate research assistant, 2022-2023 (co-advised by Alison Hoyt). Now PhD student at MIT

Meng Zhao

Meng Zhao

Postdoctoral Fellow 2021-2022, now Assistant Professor at University of Idaho